Hero Shield Project
Sugarloaf Lions are delighted to join with many other Lions Clubs in supporting the Hero Shield Project, which will provide PPE to our heroes on the front line. Sugarloaf Lions Club will donate €1000 to this most worthwhile cause. Please read below and see if you could join us in supporting our heroes?
Dr Rachel Wright
Not all heroes wear capes but Lions Clubs are helping to make sure our heroes wear shields. Our Lions Club is proudly following the lead of Macroom Lions with the Hero Shield Project. We encourage support from our fellow Lions Clubs. A sample of our HSE/NHS Covid 19 Team approved EU Standard PPE was sent to Dr Rachel Wright of Newtownbutler GP Surgery, here is what she said: "Not a great photo of me but the face shield is great. Tried it out today in Newtownbutler GP Surgery. Thanks Rachel". You can help us reach our target of €100,000 We have set up a bank account at AIB Bank, Patrick Street, Cork.
Account name: Lions Clubs International District 133
Sort Code & Account Number 934143 28864039
IBAN IE72AIBK93414328864039.
Every euro raised will go towards urgently protecting our Frontline heroes.
Thank you from all of us.